
by Raymond Ahrens
252 pages
$14.95 paperback
ISBN: 978-1934690642
Published by Tasora Books
July 2013

Available where all fine books are sold.



Willie Easelman, 86, born in Brooklyn and a perennial finalist in the American Dream Sweepstakes, is committed to the Morningside Nursing Home by his daughter, Anna. Cunning, despite his dementia, Willie sneaks behind the wheel of his ’86 Impala and escapes, heading north along America s roadways that paved the way for the post-war exodus to the suburbs.

Adrift in his private cosmos of timelessness, cast into a world that has ceased to make sense, and (oh yeah) packing a pistol, Willie sets out on a journey that would make Columbus envious and Odysseus jealous.

Spice up Willie’s drive with a wisp of voodoo, a Jersey cop trying to salvage the Governor’s Silver Alert campaign, and an Atlantic City showgirl of surprising compassion, but scandalous virtue—and you have a ride of mythic proportions, where touch lasts a lifetime and time stops forever. A journey not recommended for everyone.